Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Secret Chocolate Cake

If you are going to make a treat anyway, might as well add some nutritious ingredients as well.  This chocolate cake is made with...

Beets!  In all their ruby-red glory, beets!  There is a summer variation, provided as well, using zuchinni.  This recipe is originally from Simply in Season.  I came upon it when I subscribed to their weekly recipe.  You can do so also.  It is a great way to get thinking about seasonal eating, which I urge.  They only display their recipe for one week so you'll have to wait for it to come around.  Adaptations are also online but I found this link to be the closest match.

Secret Chocolate Cake  Rating: 8

In making this cake, I used whole wheat only and I was still happy with it.

To avoid sabotaging my efforts, I served it with unsweetened applesauce, as suggested, instead of sugar laden frosting (which is a beautiful thing of its own).  My family and I were pleased with the combination.

Did I detect beet?  Only because I made the cake did I very faintly notice the trace of beets but it still tasted really good and I truly do not think a single unknowing soul would think the cake was off.  I'd certainly make it again.  When your mother tells you to eat your beets, you can now say, "Yes, please."  So enjoy all that vitamin C, folate, and potassium love.

1 comment:

  1. As I explained to Neal, I HATE beets! I detest them. In fact, just looking at the photos of them I was turned off! I am extremely open minded when it comes to food, so I willingly taste what Neal brings me. I am trying to eat healthier to change the course of my health path. Anyway back to the beets…. although I would never purposely eat them, the cake was amazing! A sweet secret indeed! I like to keep things in perspective. For what this cake was and for what it did not have in it, I loved it. I want my mom to taste it because she wouldn’t believe it! I am somewhat afraid to make it because I do not believe mine will come out as good as yours. But one day, I will get up the nerve. I like the path you are on and will try to imitate what I can. By the way, you look simply amazing. Congratulations on losing the weight, the old fashioned way! And no, that is not a dig at those who chose the surgery route.
