Friday, January 13, 2012

Healthy Chicken Salad

This is a recipe we've made before and really enjoy. 

Healthy Chicken Salad Rating 9

We served this on top of a bed of romaine lettuce with slices of cucumber.  We were going to have some nice slices of Gouda cheese with it but somehow I forgot the cheese.  HOW DOES ONE FORGET CHEESE?!  Still trying to forgive myself.   

We subbed in fresh thyme for tarragon and black grapes for red because that's what we had on hand.  Also we used a full fat plain Greek yogurt for the non-fat option.  We omitted the fennel because I didn't have any and upped the celery to counter a bit.  It would be great with fennel though.  If you are sensitive to salt you should probably cut it a bit or use kosher, a larger grained salt.  We've served it on pumpernickel bread before and it's great that way but we were trying to use up some romaine before it got sad.

1 comment:

  1. This looks so good. I'm making it. Someday, when I can get to the store and buy chicken :) Love your site. And I also love that because we get the same bountiful basket orders, I often have everything on hand to make what you make. Life is good for me.
