Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beet Hummus Wrap

Can you tell we bought beets at our farmer market and are trying to use them up?  They are a nutritious vegetable and I am glad we are finding different ways to use them.

Beet Hummus Wrap  Rating: 8

We created this wrap using beet hummus, spinach, grated carrot, cucumber slices, red bell pepper, and I can't believe I forgot the feta!  We wrapped it all up in whole wheat tortillas.  Seriously pretty!  Talk about eating a rainbow.

Very fun and satisfying.  I know it would get a higher rating with feta and/or chopped kalmata olives mixed in the bunch because we lean toward those flavors.  It's a wrap so it's pretty flexible.

Beet Hummus  Rating: 8

Easy to make and striking in appearance.  I tasted as I went and started with less lemon and cumin than called for based on comments that were left.  I ended up using about 2 1/2 Tbsp. tahini (a sort of ground sesame paste), 3 Tbsp. lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon ground cumin.  Worked for me.  It's a bit different than the typical chickpea hummus, besides the obvious pop of color.  But mixed with a bunch of awesome veggies made it easy to try.  I liked it for just dipping veggies too.

I think kids would enjoy this as a dip because of the vibrant color.  But if your kids are messy eaters this may not be the day to wear a new, white shirt.  Beet stains are a bummer.

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